Health Alliance for the Uninsured
The Health Alliance for the Uninsured is a catalyst for access to healthcare services for those who otherwise would be unable to obtain them. HAU is a community collaborative that makes quality health care available to Oklahoma’s vulnerable, uninsured and under-insured populations. Partners include physicians, safety net clinics, hospitals and other public and private partners.

Oklahoma Residents:
HAU Can Help Get You Access to Medical Care. If you are uninsured call HAU now at 405-286-3343.
Latest News
The Journal Record, in partnership with the Health Alliance for the Uninsured and Oklahoma Primary Care Association, hosted a business roundtable discussion on April 13 titled “How Reductions in Medicaid Coverage Affect Your Business.” Over the next nine months, 308,000 Oklahomans will lose medical insurance due to the reduction in Medicaid provided by the Public Health Emergency Act. Full post…
“There is hope and help for Oklahomans who are uninsured. The emergency room does not have to be the solution.” The Healthcare Alliance for the Uninsured is ready to connect Oklahomans in need with one of the 94 free clinics here in the state. Full post…
The Health Alliance for the Uninsured is honored and humbled to be chosen as Community Health Champion by The Oklahoma Turning Point Council. Full post…
Oklahoma City Community Foundation puts a spotlight on HAU programs providing a medical home for patients who would otherwise have no access to needed medical services. Full post…
HAU and Unite Us, the nation’s leading technology company connecting health and social care services, are partnering to expand the coordinated care network known as Unite Oklahoma to address the unmet health and social needs of Oklahomans and improve health outcomes throughout the state. Full post…
We are excited to announce that Dr. Mike Herndon will be joining the Health Alliance for the Uninsured as our new Medical Director. Dr. Herndon brings a wealth of experience and expertise to improve the health and well-being of our most vulnerable Oklahomans. Full post…
HAU received $1.8 million from the United Health Foundation to integrate new behavioral health assessments, monitoring, interventions and staff training designed to improve health outcomes for uninsured and underinsured individuals with diabetes at 20 free/charitable clinics across the state. Full post…
HAU has launched a Healthcare Services Navigation Program to help low-income, uninsured, and underinsured clients navigate central Oklahoma’s complex healthcare referral network. Full post….
CDC COVID Data Tracker: Maps, charts, and data provided by the CDC. Full post…
CDC Information for Healthcare Professionals about Coronavirus (COVID-19). Full post…
Find A Medical Provider
If you are in need of medical care, use this map to find the nearest provider from the Safety Net Clinic network of 95 clinics statewide. Click here.
HAU provides these medical practices with supplies, information, training and additional resources.
HAU E-Newsletter
Sign up for our free e-newsletter full of news, links to resources and additional information. Click here.
Helping low-income, uninsured, and underinsured clients navigate complex healthcare referral networks. HAU is a central hub of the referral network, which includes OKC Heartline 211, Be a Neighbor, Unite Us, local hospital systems, and our clinic network.
Our team strategically coordinates hundreds of specialists who provide free diagnostic testing, specialty consults, and surgical care for clients of HAU partner Safety Net Clinics in Oklahoma.
HAU is a hub of support to the Safety Net Clinic network of 95 clinics statewide providing them with supplies, information, trainings, additional resources- including personal protective equipment and much more!
Assisting clients in receiving free medications to manage acute and chronic health conditions. Prescriptions are provided at no cost. Applicants will complete an application form and be interviewed by an eligibility analyst to determine eligibility for services.
An original program developed by HAU and United Health Foundation to help clinics and patients with diabetes to improve their health outcomes by working with a variety of partnership interventions which include screening, behavioral health resources, self-management tools and medication therapy resources.