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Care Connection Success Story

Adult woman having a visit at female doctor's office

On April 20th, the Care Connection team received a referral from Tulakes Community Clinic for a patient with a thyroid mass. The patient was a 42-year-old female who presented after receiving care at a local for-profit medical clinic and had recommended a thyroid gland biopsy. She was uninsured and presented with an ultrasound report in hand showing a large cystic and solid mass measuring 3.6 cm by 3.6 cm and requesting assistance in getting the biopsy. 

After obtaining the necessary client information, the Care Connection team submitted a Mercy Charity application. The charity application was approved, and we then scheduled the patient for a fine needle aspiration procedure of the thyroid mass. The biopsy results obtained only fluid, and the microscopic exam showed no thyroid cells. On July 6th, the Tulakes Community Clinic provider contacted Dr. Herndon for guidance on further managing the case.

Dr. Herndon re-reviewed all the documentation. After consulting the literature and a specialist, he assisted the free clinic provider in outlining a plan to monitor the patient clinically and with a repeat ultrasound at the appropriate time. 

The provider was very appreciative, and we were able to assist with a case where endocrinology and head and neck surgery resources were quite limited. This success story explains how the Care Connection program helps clinics obtain needed procedures and can assist with case management.

Patient stories inspire us all! During Free & Charitable Clinics Month, we encourage you to share how these clinics have made a positive impact on your life. Let’s spread hope and showcase the invaluable work of these clinics.

Posted in Free & Charitable Clinics Month, News, Success Story