Oklahoma is in a health crisis. According to the US Census data, 14.3% of Oklahoma residents were uninsured in 2019, almost 1 in 7 are uninsured or underinsured. Uninsured individuals are less likely to receive preventive care and more likely to utilize emergency rooms and be hospitalized for conditions that could have been avoided. In 2021, almost 5,000 hospital visits in Oklahoma were preventable.
Oklahomans without health insurance have difficulty accessing medical, dental, vision, behavioral, women’s health and preventative care. This lack of access to health services* impacts all of us as shown in Oklahoma’s health rankings.
HAU is a community health equity collaborative that makes quality healthcare available to Oklahoma’s underserved populations. Partners include physicians, safety net clinics, hospitals and other public and private partners.
Oklahoma Health Outcomes
- Oklahoma is ranked 43rd in overall health
- Every 24 minutes, someone dies in the U.S. due to a lack of health insurance
- 80% of Oklahomans who are uninsured are in working families
- There are about 500,000 uninsured individuals in Oklahoma
The United Way of Central Oklahoma challenged all 56 Partner Agencies, including HAU, to show us how they are ‘Coming Together for our Community’ in the #ComeTogetherChallenge 2020.